Investment Management and Advice

In addition to financial planning services, Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC offers varied options for clients to implement our investment advice through various managed solutions.

Risk Based Model Portfolios $0 - $49,999.00

Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC offers advice via risk based model portfolios to clients working with less than $50,000.00 in assets.  Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC charges an annualized asset based fee of .3% for clients to utilize this service.  Model portfolios are constructed based on the client’s risk tolerance and asset allocation with an annual rebalance as well as changes to be made due to a change in the client’s situation or risk tolerance.

ETF and Mutual Fund Managed Solutions $50,000.00 - $250,000.00

For clients with more than $50,000.00 in assets, Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC offers managed accounts for clients that require a more tailored investment solution.  Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC charges an annualized asset based fee of .5% for clients to utilize this service.  Portfolios are constructed to include six to eight positions based on the client’s risk tolerance and asset allocation with an annual rebalance as well as changes to be made due to a change in the client’s situation or risk tolerance.

ETF and Mutual Fund Managed Solutions $250,000.00 - Above

For clients with over $250,000.00 in assets, Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC offers managed accounts for clients that require a more tailored and diverse investment solution.  Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC charges an annualized asset based fee of .5% for clients to utilize this service.  Model portfolios will be constructed to include eight to fourteen positions based on the client’s risk tolerance and asset allocation with a semi-annual rebalance as well as updates to be made due to a change in the client’s situation or risk tolerance.

Equity, Fixed Income, ETF, and Mutual Fund Managed Solutions - over $500,000.00

For clients seeking portfolios focusing on individual equities, Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC offers managed accounts for clients that require individually tailored equity and fixed income investment solutions.  Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC charges an annualized asset based fee of .5% - 1% for clients to utilize this service based on assets under management.  Portfolios are constructed to include 20-30 positions for clients with under $1 million in assets under management with 3 rebalances annually.  For clients with over $1 million in assets under management,  portfolios are constructed to include over 35 positions with 4 rebalances annually as well as updates to be made due to a change in the client’s situation or risk tolerance.

Financial Planning and Investment Management - What’s the Difference?

Often times when working with new clients, we are asked how financial planning and investment management are different.  While these two services are certainly related, it is important for our clients to understand the difference in order to make an informed decision.

Financial Planning is a comprehensive process that answers the Why and What of a given client’s financial situation.  We start by defining your goals and WHY they are important to you.  We then determine WHAT it will take to achieve your goals from a financial perspective.  We analyze your income, your expenses, your available cashflow, and determine what you need to save and where you need to save it based on your financial goals and timeline.  Finally, we determine your optimal asset allocation based on your timeline and risk tolerance.

Once we have determined what it will take for you to achieve your goals, we analyze what could keep you from achieving your most important financial goals including determining appropriate emergency funds, employee benefit optimization, protection reviews and recommendations as well as tax and estate planning strategies. 

Investment Management provides advice on HOW to implement financial planning asset allocation advice by providing specific investment recommendations and management based on your risk tolerance and recommended asset allocation.  For instance, a proposed asset allocation may call for 60% of your assets to be invested equities.  If you are a self directed investor, you may want to choose your equity investments based on our own security analysis.  If, on the other hand, you are not confident in your expertise in choosing specific investments, or you simply lack the time or interest to do so, you may want to work with a professional to help you choose and maintain your investments.  As a Registered Investment Advisor firm, Intelligent Investor Financial Planning, LLC is fully licensed to provide specific investment advice, recommendations, and ongoing investment management for our clients.

Products and services include:

  • 401(k) retirement plans and Individual Retirement Account advice
  • 529 qualified tuition plans
  • Coverdell ESAs
  • Mutual funds and ETFs
  • Certificates of Deposit
  • U.S.Treasuries Securities
  • Group retirement and savings plans
  • Simplified Employee Pension Plans
  • Qualified Retirement Plans
  • Other retirement savings plans designed specifically for employee groups
  • Life insurance reviews and recommendations
  • Long-term care, disability and critical illness recommendations
  • Health Insurance Group health benefits